NEILAH Newcastle Reform Synagogue Saturday 12th October 2024 El Nora Alilah On page 570 of our new Yom Kippur book you can find the song El Nora Alilah / God Awful in Deeds by the Spanish Hebrew poet Moses ibn Ezra (c 1055 – 1139) from Granada in Al-Andalus, Muslim Spain. Muslim Spain was not… Continue reading Neilah 5785 – El Nora
Author: Michael Hilton
WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR NHS MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES? UPDATED REPORT (July 2024) ON A LISTENING PROJECT CONDUCTED BY RABBI DR MICHAEL HILTON AND RABBI DAVID MITCHELL We began our listening project because we have both seen for ourselves, in our congregations and in our own lives, too many examples of negligent or incorrect treatment… Continue reading WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR NHS MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES?
Memorial tribute
Memorial tribute to Anita Graham, 16th July 1927 – 29th December 2022 Based on an interview with her grandson Samuel in 2001. Early Days Anita Graham was born on the 16 July 1927 in the royal borough of Kensington. She was the oldest in her family except for her half brother Gerald. She had two… Continue reading Memorial tribute
Oxford Three Faiths 2022 Conference
Please click on the block above to view the flyer which advertised our conference GOD, CREATION & US: FROM THEOLOGY TO ACTION, 24-27 MAR 2022 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE CONFERENCE Governments of the world need to enlist faith leaders everywhere to spread the message about climate change. Most people in the… Continue reading Oxford Three Faiths 2022 Conference
PHIL SPECTOR (1939 – 2021)
I didn’t buy many singles as a lad. Those I bought I still have, and of those my very favourite is “Then He Kissed Me” by The Crystals. I’ve never been keen on the harsh twang of electric guitars, so the soaring strings on this vinyl disc grabbed me. The girl groups of the sixties… Continue reading PHIL SPECTOR (1939 – 2021)
WHO PUT THE CHIPS WITH THE FISH? These you may eat of all that in the waters; whatever has fins and scales in the water, in the seas and in the rivers, them you may eat. (Leviticus 11:6) We remember the fish, which we used to eat back in Egypt for free! (Numbers 11: 5)… Continue reading DID JEWS IN ENGLAND FIRST PUT FISH AND CHIPS TOGETHER?
Fire at Grenfell Tower
There are many ways you can become homeless – eviction, domestic violence, mental illness, alcoholism. In my two years working in Emergency Housing at Hammersmith and Fulham Council I saw them all. But the worst by far was fire. People who lose their homes through fire suffer major trauma just from shock, and then in… Continue reading Fire at Grenfell Tower
BACK TO ISRAEL IN WONDERLAND ACHAREI-MOT 5776 – Saturday 30th April 2016 Sermon delivered by Rabbi Michael Hilton, Kol Chai Hatch End Reform Jewish Community © Michael Hilton 2016 The most moving moment of my week came as a surprise. I was on my way home from Kol Chai on Tuesday afternoon and listening to the… Continue reading AFTER HILLSBOROUGH
For the sin of silence, For the sin of indifference, For the secret complicity of the neutral, For the closing of borders, For the washing of hands, For the crime of indifference, For the sin of silence, For the closing of borders, For all that was done, For all that was not done, Let there… Continue reading DEALING WITH THE NAZIS